Now this is rich! JC Penney and Sephora have joined forces to bring the Sephora brand of beauty into JC Penney stores. No, I take that back. This is not rich, this is so cheap. My market place of beauty, my plethora of fragrance, my haven of skin care and hair products has been contaminated by the stench of Jaque Penne. Thus, I now award Sephora and JC Penney their very own Tiger Lilies.
The last time I remember being excited about anything "JC Penney" was the Christmas catalogue I thumbed through as a kid in 1984. With my red marker in hand, I couldn't wait to circle all the toys that I thought Santa might bring. But as an adult, the JC Penney brand doesn't exactly bring forth that good "butterfly effect." Instead, it actually induces the Ashton Kutcher type of "Butterfly Effect" and if you haven't seen the movie, trust me, Ashton didn't like the way this one made him feel.
Now, I've tried to be objective. I've tried to sort through some "Worthington" and "Arizona Jean Company" threads. But it's just not my bag. Maybe I'd rather a snooty salesperson ignore me at an expensive boutique than search for the one JC Penney salesperson that is taking her lunch break at 3:15. It's just not a place of style.
But Sephora. Oh, Sephora. Now there's a brand with style. It's an oasis of beauty in the hustle and bustle of the retail world. It's a clean, fresh, hip pink-and-black haven of refreshment where you can sample any type of makeup or perfume that you could ever think of. Customers enter and hope prevails. A hope that you will finally find the concealer that will cover your sun-spot, a hope that you will smell that perfect scent your neighbor always wears, the hope that they will actually have the Nar's lipstick. It's that butterfly effect that you once had for the JC Penney catalogue. Sephora even sounds like euphoria. All women love it.
Now enter your local JC Penney and you will see how this union of style and Arizona Jean Company is such a "Tiger Lily." I had to go see for myself. Had this really happened? Had they really put a Sephora in my local, Stack-and-Rack, Baby's R Us! laden shopping center? Sadly, yes. And although it was as clean and fresh as the first Sephora I discovered in London, it was such an imitation. It was a fourth of the size of a normal Sephora and only carried the lower-end brands. When I inquired with the (very helpful and nice actually) sales lady, she told me that they did not carry the "Nors" (this is how she pronounced it) lipstick.
Disaster. I don't know if the style of Sephora is strong enough to overcome these new surroundings. Maybe there's a reason that JC Penney's old tag line, "It's All Inside" resonated with me so much. Because maybe it should all stay inside.
But maybe Sephora will allow it's style to ooze through our local JC Pennies. After all, isn't that exactly what the brand needs? Their new tag line, "Every Day Matters" is exactly right. Every day that they are still in business, they have the opportunity to infuse the store with style. In 2006, they partnered with Sephora. In 2008, Ralph Lauren himself launched his "American Living" brand that is now in stores nationwide. Maybe that hopeful feeling that every woman gets when she enters a Sephora will become characteristic of JC Penney.
Here's to hoping. Congrats JC Penney/Sephora on your Tiger Lilies.
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